Acton United Methodist Women
The UMW is the largest denominational faith organization for women in the world. We are focused on mission and providing opportunities for women to grow spiritually. If you attend a United Methodist church, you are a member of the UMW. At Acton, UMW has so many opportunities for all women. Take a look and think about how you may enjoy becoming part of the Acton UMW.
Acts of Kindness
The Acts of Kindness hold a monthly bake sale. All proceeds go to pass on kindness to those in our congregation and our community. Call the office to get involved.
Blanket Ministry
The Blanket Ministry makes prayer blankets for those suffering. All kinds of skill levels are needed to create the blankets. See Mary Ann Puckett to get involved.
Craft Fair
The Craft Fair is the main fund raiser for the Acton UMW. Vendors from all over come and sell their crafts. The kitchen has great breakfast and lunch. See Margie Townsend to get involved.
Reading circle
The Reading Circle meets every couple months to discuss the latest book selection. See Audrey Roberts to get involved.
Advent Tea
The Advent Tea is a beautiful event to start the Advent Season. Entertainment is provided and a delicious meal is served. We end the special evening with Silent Night by candlelight. See Margie Townsend to get involved.
Bible Garden
Our beautiful bible garden provides a spot for reflection and rest. It is a work of art that takes a loving green thumb. Call the office to get involved.
Acton UMW Board
President - Felicia Crowel
Vice President - Margie Townsend
Secretary - Mary Ann Puckett
Treasurer - Connie Walters
At Large - Gayle Kerns & Josette Randolph